Deaf Can Coffee w Kingston

JamaicaDeaf Can Coffee



🕗 godziny otwarcia

58, Half Way Tree Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-508-3329
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0041446, Longitude: -76.7914929

komentarze 5

  • Theo Chapman

    Theo Chapman


    Good coffee and a small selection of food and cold drinks. Hard to find since it’s just a small window in a wall. The menu is opposite the window and you point to what you want since the staff are hearing impaired. Worth seeking out.

  • Beauty Within

    Beauty Within


    I appreciate the fact that Deaf Can has a location at my workplace - ITEL ! The Tuna and Chicken Bagels are my favorite. It's giving Burger King a run for their money. They are efficient and dedicated to their jobs. Great Customer Service and their staff are very friendly.

  • Christopher Briggs

    Christopher Briggs


    The coffee is great and the story behind the business is absolutely amazing. The training center is on the campus of the Caribbean Christian Centre for the Deaf but they have other locations like Raggamuffins, Toyota Jamaica, the US Embassy, and the British High Consul. Great offering of coffee (espresso, lattes, americano, pour-over, cold brew, nitro, etc.) shakes, and smoothies as well as various pastries made in-house.

  • R Leilani Levoit

    R Leilani Levoit


    Wow! They can't hear you but they understand everything! Great latte with almond milk!

  • Cary Reid

    Cary Reid


    Deaf Can Coffee is amazing. The drinks are delicious and the selection is large. The staff is friendly and helpful. They take you into a world that we do not often think about. I love the concept. I also appreciate that the quality is consistent at all their satellite locations.

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