Empire Dental Center Ltd w Kingston

JamaicaEmpire Dental Center Ltd



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-3, Retirement Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-362-8047
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9946116, Longitude: -76.7888623

komentarze 5

  • Mackelia Dawson

    Mackelia Dawson


    My experience at Empire Dental Center was amazing. The staff are very friendly and they are willing to assist without judgement. 100% would recommend and I will definitely become a regular customer

  • Jayan Cornwall

    Jayan Cornwall


    Lovely environment, had to wait a bit due to unexpected circumstances however, they were very wonderful and professional I had a great experience and will continue my services with them

  • Kameka Hall

    Kameka Hall


    My first time going to a dentist and I choose to go to empire dental care Ltd and for the first time va dentist the atmosphere was welcoming the staff were great and as for the pulling of the teeth I had no problem there was no pain at all I didn't even felt when the teeth came out not a bad experience I would recommend empire dental to any one..

  • Shian Stephens

    Shian Stephens


    Experience was great, I removed my tooth and I did not feel any pain, the cost is affordable and I will definitely go back. Plus customer service was excellent 👌 keep it up guys

  • Tami



    Great experience! Love how they check up on you to remind you about your appointment. The location is convenient too, it's right in the middle of cross roads where you can get your business dealt with at the same time.

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