Melmac Dental Care w Kingston

JamaicaMelmac Dental Care



🕗 godziny otwarcia

12, Melmac Avenue, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-968-9892
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9971551, Longitude: -76.7859186

komentarze 5

  • SMS



    I was recommended to this dental care by a friend and trust me, I don’t regret it at all. It was a great experience. Its been a while I have not gotten this level of customer service n professionalism from any business in Jamaica. The staff is excellent Sade and Mrs Hunter have great customer service skills. Sade is quite charming n the dentist Dr Masters, she’s just great, very patient n nice yet professional. I really appreciate them, their kindness, patience n generosity. Dr Masters is an excellent dentist. Check them out you won’t regret it at all.

  • Charlene B

    Charlene B


    This was not my first visit to Melmac Dental Care, and I am increasingly impressed with the excellent, warm service. I received a warm welcome by Mrs Hunter, which was the culmination of our interaction which started with reminder calls regarding my appointment. The enhanced reception/ waiting area is very modern, clean and warm. The treatment received from Dental Assistant, Shadae, and Dr. Masters was very professional. I highly recommend this practice.

  • Brenton Mckenzie II

    Brenton Mckenzie II


    I had a wisdom tooth that was broken, it was giving me hell for about a month .. a friend recommended Melmac Dental Care .. Dr. Johnson is very professional alongside his friendly staff. I would definitely recommend them.

  • Shane Wizdom

    Shane Wizdom


    My experience was amazing from the friendliness of shade and the other front desk personnel’s to the professionalism of the Dr. Master, Dr.Henry and Charmaine. The environment is amazing inside the dental office and not just that all Doctor and other employees know what they’re doing. Moral of the story the doctors are excellent, the service is excellent and the friendliness is impeccable.

  • Sue B

    Sue B


    Dr Johnson and assistant were exceptional, they made my first visit refreshing. Ms Andrea Hunter, kudos to you for embracing me the moment I entered the office and that experience continued throughout the entire visit. Dr. Johnson exudes gentleness in how he approaches his patients and talks you through the process to ensure your comfort. I feel blessed to finally find such expertise and superior customer service as I have found at Melmac Dental. I know I have found a dental home🫠

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