The Dental Loft w Kingston

JamaicaThe Dental Loft



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5, Half Way Tree Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-328-0764
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9955813, Longitude: -76.7891389

komentarze 5

  • Kadian.B



    This office is the complete package! Excellent customer service, treatment and the ambiance was soooo relaxing. Kudos to Hygienist Sasha for doing an amazing cleaning. She was so gentle and thorough and her personality kept my nerves at bay. The Dentist Dr.Mulet was such a sweetheart and she explained every step during the procedure and answered all my questions. Just an awesome team!

  • Andre Scott

    Andre Scott


    Awesome service and expertise. I've never fallen asleep during a teeth cleaning before now. The decor is very light and relaxing, and the staff explains the next step of the procedure throughout. The only down side is I was not offered a candy after my cleaning 😒




    When I talk about customer service at is best I'm referring to THEDENTALLOFT it was a great experience an I left there feeling amazing I had a production on the same night and throughout the night I was smiling because I want everyone to see my my beautiful smile, I 100% recommend THEDENTALLOFT for all of your dental needs

  • Colin Fuller-Bennett

    Colin Fuller-Bennett


    Had an excellent experience at The Dental Loft! Sasha was friendly, and the office had a modern, comfortable atmosphere. My cleaning was thorough, and the free oral examination was an added bonus. Highly recommend for top-notch dental care!

  • Michelle “Review Queen” Roberts

    Michelle “Review Queen” Roberts


    I've never had such a great cleaning in my entire life! The Dental Hygienist, Sasha, took her time while cleaning, so much so that I almost fell asleep. I didn't have many abrasions at the end of the session and my mouth felt brand new- I wanted to go show my smile off to the world lol. All the staff members were polite and kind and made me feel welcome. Their prices were affordable and so I'd definitely go back there.

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