First Caribbean International Bank w May Pen

JamaicaFirst Caribbean International Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

50, Main Street, May Pen, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1-876
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9693379, Longitude: -77.2429003

komentarze 5

  • kimberly Maggie

    kimberly Maggie


    Best bank I have been with customer service from the security guards to cleaning staff upwards are the best.

  • Javier Balseiro

    Javier Balseiro


    Extremely poor customer service, had to wait 2 and a half hours in line to go to the customer service and only 2 persons was infront.

  • Nisha



    This is one of the worst banks ever. There are always struggles to get anything done at this bank. My parents have been banking with this bank for thirty plus years. My mom has an account, my dad has an account they even have an account together at this branch. My dad is sick and not able to walk, and they have been going to the bank trying to add my mom unto one of his accounts that she is not on and the bank has them making several trips back and forth. Every teller gives a different set of instructions as to what they need to have to get my mom added to the account. Can you imagine, and they are already both members of the branch. Ridiculous!

  • Jamaican Flavor

    Jamaican Flavor


    Teller #4 on August 5th, 2020 needs to learn proper customer service. How did she acquire the job with that disgusting attitude???

  • Colin Wilson

    Colin Wilson


    Parking at the front and rear of building,very helpful staff

najbliższy Bank

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