Hazba Medical Center and Urgent Care (Doctor Office Near Me | The Ultrasound place) w Falmouth

JamaicaHazba Medical Center and Urgent Care (Doctor Office Near Me | The Ultrasound place)



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10, Cornwall Street, Falmouth, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-502-3362
strona internetowej: www.hazba.club
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4930827, Longitude: -77.6537278

komentarze 5

  • Georgia Campbell

    Georgia Campbell


    An entire satisfying experience or rather one that surpasses my expectations. Hazba Medical Centre is now my medical facility of choice. I recently had the privilege to be under Dr. Hazel's care and from the moment I walked in the office I was greeted with warmth and professionalism. The atmosphere was clean and hygienic and reassuring and the level of organization and efficiency was evident. Time is highly respected as appointments are made and adhered to. The receptionist always follow-up with me to query and to confirm if I am keeping my appointment. There is no long waiting, which is the hallmark of many facilities in Jamaica, even with an appointment. Dr. Hazel took the time to thoroughly understand my concerns, patiently addressing all my questions and providing clear explanations about his recommendations. And the most amazing part is that, Dr. Hazel remained accessible, ensuring that my recovery was progressing smoothly and followed-up with me personally on my progress and also notified me of the arrival of test results and what action I should take. I had never experienced this level of service in the history or my medical life. It is unquestionable that the team at Hazba Medical Centre is committed to patient care and well-being. I can’t thank you enough Dr. Hazel for the special and excellent care you provided me with. I am blessed that you are now my doctor! I have great confidence in you and your team at Hazba. I am just feeling good, happy and excited that at last there is a facility in this island where medical treatment is administered with respect, genuine love and care as I can testify that I have been the recipient of such. Hazba is the best in the West!

  • Nella Bar

    Nella Bar


    This team is the best, they are very professional, offer excellent customer service and go above and beyond every time. I highly recommend them for your health care needs. Continue doing the great job you are doing Hazba Medical!

  • Djaunay Scott

    Djaunay Scott


    🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I recently visited Hazba Medical Center and had an amazing experience! The staff was friendly and welcoming, and the office was clean and well-maintained. The doctor was knowledgeable, attentive, and took the time to address all of my concerns. I felt comfortable throughout the entire visit and left feeling confident in the care I received. I highly recommend Hazba Medical center for anyone in need of top-notch medical care. 👩‍⚕️💙🏥

  • Malesia Wright

    Malesia Wright


    The services that I receive from Hazba Medical Center is excellent. Dr. Hazel is a very understanding and friendly doctor. He ensures that I am properly informed about my health and care. I would have no qualms in recommending them to family and friends.🥰🫶🏼

  • Anayah Tamara

    Anayah Tamara


    To my visit at the Doctors office today I was presently welcomed in. Throughout my ultrasound I was kept well informed so I could understand everything. When I took a blood test the were very patient with me as I don't have very good veins. Thank you so much and would certainly recommend your medical centre to others.

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