JN Bank w Santa Cruz

JamaicaJN Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

85, Main Street, Santa Cruz, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-906-5343
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0543608, Longitude: -77.7004741

komentarze 5

  • Denese Atkinson

    Denese Atkinson


    Too small waited in the sun for more than 10mins

  • Lamion Watson

    Lamion Watson


    Well my first time their I got my account open quick. But because the pandemic it was hard to get access but now since the country is open there's less people. It's a good bank I can say off my experience.

  • Jomo Lindsay

    Jomo Lindsay


    I stopped by to use the drop box. It was very easy and it only took a few minutes. It was about 9:45 in the morning and there wasn't a crowd outside or a lot of people inside. I didn't interact with a teller so I can't comment on performance or service.

  • Ron Simms

    Ron Simms


    During these Covid times, car parking spaces are restricted with spaces being cordoned off. Limited parking spaces remain. Customers numbers are controlled. Persons turning up for business at the bank are issued tickets before being allowed to enter the bank. No entry without masks. Those waiting to enter are to wait in the car park in a makeshift covered area with limited seating. When their numbers are called by a JN Rep they are given an additional ticket which allows them entry into the building.

  • Ronford Simms

    Ronford Simms


    On my visit here, the service was quick. They have a priority line for Senior Citizens. Due to Covid-19, only a limited amount of persons allowed inside the building. The car parking area was restricted. Some Customers had to queue outside due to restrictions of persons allowed in the premises at the same time. My wife was allowed in before 5 minutes elapsed and was quickly dealt with in less than 10 minutes.

najbliższy Bank

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