National Commercial Bank w Browns Town

JamaicaNational Commercial Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

17, Main Street, Browns Town, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-929-4622
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.3923757, Longitude: -77.368466

komentarze 5

  • Get Handy With Nadz

    Get Handy With Nadz


    I waited so long only to not get my business done today

  • Marsha Watson (Watmack)

    Marsha Watson (Watmack)


    I was there from 9:15am and I got out at 12:26pm.That's hours of just sitting. Something must be done to lessen those wasted hours.

  • Kay Li

    Kay Li


    Honestly I would not want to go back to the browns town branch, the customer service these people display is not at all ethical neither is it fair to people doing business with this bank. I have seen where improvements have been made with the long wait. We now make appointments. However, going into the bank and being greeted with a unpleasant face and tone does not sit right with me. Neither is being uncomfortable throughout my whole visit to the bank because the tellers attitude is really unpleasant and disgusting. I felt like I was not welcomed and i also felt like myself and this person had personal issues and I have never met this person in my life. The customer service needs great improvement.

  • Ashley Reid

    Ashley Reid


    If you make an appointment then you'll be ok. But if not you'll prolly have a long wait. So it's best to always have an appointment. Customer service is good with the tellers downstairs. But upstairs they treat you like a nobody..... customer service very poor.

  • S Prince

    S Prince


    It’s bad when you have to wait 2 hours for basic inquires. But , even worst when the bank tellers friend walks off the street and jump the line . Avoid at all cost , save yourself the headache.

najbliższy Bank

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