National Commercial Bank w Falmouth

JamaicaNational Commercial Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Water Square, Falmouth, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-929-9050
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4925853, Longitude: -77.6528152

komentarze 5

  • Kimmy Smith

    Kimmy Smith


    So I requested to speak with a loan officer.... An arrangement was made for me to get contacted via call.... While speaking with the loan officer, he disrespectfully asked ***is it because you did not get through with your bank why you came to us?*** I said **no, I also have an arrangement as well with a loan officer for my current bank, but heard about you guys interest rate and offers hence I wanted to know the details***. He said okay send your payslips to xxxx email..... I just ended the call. Cause his tone was not friendly neither his approach.....

  • Domanique “EmpressDIY” Reid

    Domanique “EmpressDIY” Reid


    Everyone losing their money I can account for almost 50k rn now and you already took what you said I owed you crooks in November!

  • Keith Spence

    Keith Spence


    I spent more than two hours on line, the door security seems to know 80 percent of people who walked in didn't join the line and are sent in immediately. I left without getting help. The Bank operates like a gambling house.

  • Aubyn Bloomfield

    Aubyn Bloomfield


    IF I COULD HAVE GIVEN NEGATIVE STARS I WOULD . If you want your money to be held hostage bank with NCB. You want 0 customer service bank with them. You want ATM that don’t work bank with them. You want managers that don’t offer no level of accountable, no level of respect or any professionalism bank with them. NCB is the worst financial institution that you can ever entrust to do financial transaction

  • M2K Entertainment

    M2K Entertainment


    Absolutely awful 😖 I received a ticket at 8am #37 for customer service. Had to wait outside in the sun, it's now 11:30am and they are only at #27 . Security guard extremely unpolite, could hear when he was calling out the numbers, when you asked him what number is mentioned, he had an issue repeating. *Update* I am now seated inside the bank at 12:21pm, I still have not been seen by anyone, I can confirm what others have said, they are extremely slow and seem to be more constructive in idle chatting more than actually getting work done. *update* I finally left the bank at 2:45 I would recommend to avoid this branch at all cost, saying that I don't know if there others are any better

najbliższy Bank

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