Niche Premium Surgical Center w Falmouth

JamaicaNiche Premium Surgical Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

40, Market Street, Falmouth, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-210-6327
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4912602, Longitude: -77.6535562

komentarze 5

  • Lotoya Garriques

    Lotoya Garriques


    Very informative and thorough before diagnosis. Ensure their patients are comfortable even after surgical procedures. I would highly Recommend

  • Deana Ford

    Deana Ford


    Exellent surgeon and professional in all his proceedings. After a lorf treatment process my deep vein Thrombosis is a thing of the past. Thank you mr green

  • Dawn Heron6

    Dawn Heron6


    I meant Dr. Green on Facebook I was searching for a doctor to do my surgery .Consulting the Lord about the matter I was confused depressed and for some reason that night I went on Facebook and I saw Dr Green and I said to myself let me give this doctor a call or a text and to my surprise immediately, he text me and I was telling him about my situation and what I was going through over the years I've been going from doctors to doctors and from hospital to hospital but thanks be to God I found the perfect doctor he cares for his patient he take care of them to the best of his ability he made sure everything is in place he has given me the perfect surgery which he removed my gallstones and my gallbladder .I can surely recommend Dr.C.Green to anyone that need is service he is a A1 quality doctor God richly bless 🙌 him.

  • michelle wolfe

    michelle wolfe


    I met Dr. Green at Gwest medical center, he did a medical test which surgery was needed and was sent to do all the necessary blood tests before the surgery was done, surgery was a success and recovery is well. Go with Niche Premium Surgical Center, you won't be disappointed.

  • Daniel Powell Smith

    Daniel Powell Smith


    Dr Green was recommended to me by my family Dr when we found out I needed emergency surgery. I was able to see him the next day and he was very thorough and efficient, he made sure I did all the blood works, heart tests etc to make sure I was perfect before operating. Everything went very well and I am fully recovered and enjoying life again, and he still checks up on me to make sure all is well. Go with Niche, you won’t be disappointed! Professional, proficient and they actually CARE!

najbliższy Szpital

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