Oceans on the Ridge w Ocho Rios

JamaicaOceans on the Ridge



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Shaw Park Road, Ocho Rios, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-974-6290
strona internetowej: www.oceansontheridge.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4006807, Longitude: -77.1114279

komentarze 5

  • Courtney Hill

    Courtney Hill


    View is beautiful. Service is great and drinks are the best!

  • Sharon Lopez

    Sharon Lopez


    It took more than half an hour to get there (staying in Ocho ríos, which should have been 5min), as the location in Google maps is wrong. It also says in Google is opened you too 21h…once we got there at 19:30h the waitress said it’s closed and there wasn’t any other option than leave… we’ve mentioned that the address is totally wrong and she didn’t care much. She was actually was quite rude. We could see it has a good view but no chance…it’s in the middle of nowhere with very poorly road getting there, so good luck!

  • Mark Beaton

    Mark Beaton


    Very nice views over ocho rios

  • C Margaret Angella Deane

    C Margaret Angella Deane


    Discovered this beautiful location because of a company event. Lived in St Ann For years and never been there before, never knew about it!!! Am I the only one. Atmosphere was divine and views breathtaking and lawns gardens and general space well maintained...bathrooms clean. Will definitely be back to have a drink and savour the ambiance

  • Blair Reiter

    Blair Reiter


    Cannot recommend this place enough! Absolutely breathtaking views and great drinks! Try the cane juice with some rum in it, it's wonderful ginger flavor was easily the best drink I had in Jamaica. The bartenders were very friendly and welcoming as well.

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