Pizza Please w Kingston

JamaicaPizza Please



🕗 godziny otwarcia

24, Constant Spring Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-852-7510
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0169143, Longitude: -76.7960433

komentarze 5

  • Samantha Baldio

    Samantha Baldio


    It a cozy little spot , a nice atmosphere .I went in, and a gentleman who seemed to be the boss or person in charge said, "Welcome ......priceless 🙏. Try the different varieties of pizza. What are you waiting for?!!!!

  • Dannielle Mullings

    Dannielle Mullings


    This place is always clean and the food is always hot and yummy! My favourite are the barbecue chicken and bacon and parmesan pizzas ! 10/10 would recommend.

  • Elle Williams

    Elle Williams


    This place is so cute and neat and the pizza is delicious and I loveee the environment and the variety of pizzas offered and is affordable jerk chicken is my favorite my personal fav. If you are thinking of coming to this place you won’t regret it.

  • Joshua Clarke

    Joshua Clarke


    Out of all pizza places in Jamaica the place has one of them most unique 👌 and flavourful taste you can get. If you like pork, chicken, or anything in between they got it. Especially for the vegan lovers. Next time you see it give it a try.😋😋😋

  • Miss Francis

    Miss Francis


    I visited around 12 pm on a Saturday, it peaceful. Ordering was easy and getting a direct view of the variety of pizza that was being offered was a plus. It was also very affordable. The atmosphere is children friendly, wifi is also available. Parking seemed average given that there's other businesses on the plaza. The experience was a 7/10. The food was amazing

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