PriceSmart w Portmore




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Lot #2, 7 Braeton Parkway Cookson Pen, Portmore, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1-876
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 17.959002, Longitude: -76.9016861

komentarze 5

  • Cheryl Hylton

    Cheryl Hylton


    Staff were helpful, cashier was pleasant and patient. My 1st visit was tainted, though, by the fact that it was a Friday afternoon. The checkout lines were ridiculously long as was the resulting wait.qq

  • Claud Bee

    Claud Bee


    Good parking, convenient location, the facility is clean. Very convenient for those coming from Old Harbour, Clarendon, Mandeville etc and saves them from going all the way to Kingston. It's Pricesmart so the place is going to be super crowded at certain times of the month so always prepare for reduced parking and long check out lines.

  • Loriann Richie

    Loriann Richie


    I bought a cake for my son's birthday and I was surprised to how badly it tasted. I'm used to the cake tasting better, but it just seemed like they just took some bulla, cut it up and added icing to it. I was extremely disappointed.

  • Petal Russell

    Petal Russell


    Very convenient and reasonable place to do bulk and big shopping. You get value, for money they carry a variety of things. However, you can't basic items like lime juice or lemon juice there and singles in certain things, not an option there. This store is geared towards bulk buying, so if that's not you, then this place isn't really for you. It's obvious they're still doing work on the place as it's limited in some ways. Especially in the food section, not much of their food options are actually available or finishes quickly.

  • Yanyu Hayles

    Yanyu Hayles


    Everything can be found at pricesmart in bulk. Food, meat, fruit, dessert 🍨 😋 , pizza, pharmacy, tech products, skin care etc. Best time to go is in the week and after or before payday.

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