Progressive Foods Supermarket w Portmore

JamaicaProgressive Foods Supermarket



🕗 godziny otwarcia

X463+H2R, Portmore, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-618-1138
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.961499, Longitude: -76.8974967

komentarze 5

  • Rayland Brown

    Rayland Brown


    Can be easily compared to a Pricesmart in terms of shopping ambience but definitely not in prices. The layout is perfect and spacious and fully stocked with a wide selection of products and goods

  • Sean Lennon

    Sean Lennon


    Great source for food of all types. The staff was helpful and courteous. They help you find what you need and they'll bring things to your car. Bring your own bags to save a little money and show our earth some love.




    Progressive rocks. I come to Jamaica yearly and this is always my put stop for all staples including wine, beer and good rum! The prices are as reasonable as Jamaica gets! I will always go to markets for fruits and veg but for Soda water, great cheeses, certain meats it’s progressive. This store is also very clean and organized with accommodating people behind the cash and helping me find stuff.

  • Petal Russell

    Petal Russell


    Very convenient store. Has a wide variety of groceries. My go-to place for rum balls. Definitely improved on their rush season with the number of cashiers and moving faster. Love their baked products, which are very fresh and delicious, especially their potato pudding.

  • Rico



    Have you ever had their food? This is a notice that you need to start!! I’ve been purchasing their lunch for over a year and the quality has been consistently great. Every meal they prepare is well done and quality for money. Their Rice and peas is done with rich coconut milk and the taste is awesome without even gravy. Their meats are always well seasoned and will always satisfy your palate. Their soups are alwayssssss rich with flavor. Your plate will be loaded with meat however the rice will always finish first as the servings of rice is most times not a lot. The cost may be a bit pricey but all in all it’s value for money as the quality of food is worth it. Highly recommend checking out their Deli!!!

najbliższy Supermarket

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