Sizzlin' Grill w Kingston

JamaicaSizzlin' Grill



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6, Hope Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-978-8579
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0214127, Longitude: -76.7692313

komentarze 5

  • C W

    C W


    Salmon burger was good. I've tried other burgers there too and they were interesting. There is a bit of wait for the food, as it is done to order but the food is worth the wait. You can go windowshop nearby and come back in time to collect your food. I tried their ribs but felt disappointed because I barely got enough meat for my money.

  • Anthony Brown (Tony TheGreat)

    Anthony Brown (Tony TheGreat)


    The food is very nice and down to order so there tends to be a wait. They have a wide variety of burgers to choose from. The fries is very nice and have an awesome seasoned taste. Please note that they are a little on the pricey side but the taste makes up for it. The atmosphere is nice as it is in the food court but is still accessible. You can watch the food being prepared while you wait.

  • Kerryann morrison

    Kerryann morrison


    This place should get a prize for consistency. At least for my favorite sandwich, the salmon burger. Chefs kiss. I've been known order and drive 15 mins from work to enjoy this. Even heard about there ribs, one day, I'll try it. Even if you walk in, the wait time is minimal.

  • Food Eater

    Food Eater


    What a great surprise to find this place after being in the food court 5 times and never noticing what the place was, great fresh made to order burger, so happy to find a good burger thats fast food, none of the North American chains beef burger taste good to me and this was the quality of beef I find at sit in places with $1200-1400 burger meals. Will try again and other items and see abou5 the other star.

  • Alexandra Daley

    Alexandra Daley


    Their burgers are well overpriced in my opinion but I guess it’s just their pricing compared to others but if you can afford it, then by all means. However they do have a steady crowd. When I went there I could not decide and whilst the cashier recommended four burgers - that really didn’t narrow it down for me (but kudos for trying). I also noticed that (maybe it was the time of day -evening) they weren’t as welcoming as I had hoped but when asked to see the chicken tenders before purchasing they did show me (p.s. don’t order it, they are more like chicken nuggets - 4 for $700). So I bought the BBQ chicken burger combo for $900 and while I waited I observed them cooking and everything. I must commend the fact that they do use gloves but the guy handling the food had the sniffles (but he didn’t cough or anything) but he also changed his gloves about three times while handling the food. Not to mention the other guy that was packaging the fries and the drink (while he also had on gloves) he was handling the fries, plus opening the fridge door (that everyone had access to made me wonder how sanitized the place was. Nonetheless I sat and ate the burger. It was okay, you could taste the freshness, as in it didn’t taste greasy like burgers from their competitors, but it was also something I could make at home for way less. The Parmesan fries were also good. By the end of the meal I was full and I didn’t even have the small drink that came with the drink. Also I never felt sluggish; it was like I had a good meal. Only issues: - the prices of the meals (lost a star) - the customer service - talking over the food (as with most fast food restaurants need to work on) - small portion of sanitization practices need improvement (lost a star)

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