Pushpa's Indian Restaurant w Kingston

JamaicaPushpa's Indian Restaurant



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Shop #1,Northside Plaza, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-977-5858
strona internetowej: pushpa-ir.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0209493, Longitude: -76.7642329

komentarze 5

  • Norman Malcolm

    Norman Malcolm


    I didnt dine in, but the service at the carryout section was very efficient. The staf were very courteous and as such i would return and suggest others to do the same

  • en

    Kristin Means


    Normally a great source of take out - but check your food!!!! They regularly miss a meal if you have more than 3 or 4 orders. Sucks when you pay for food, get excited and miss out!!! Great when you get it and a good value for your money- sadly the value balances out when you are left without after waiting halfway through your lunchtime, 30 minutes after it was supposed to be delivered and running out of time to get something else. Definitely not worth rolling the dice on service, even if the food is good.

  • en

    Tenneisa Jackson


    There were a bunch of kids here...it was soo noisy! I lost my appetite, I couldn't even hear anything my spouse was saying. I couldn't even hear myself talking! Never again!

  • Ballack



    Best restaurant ever. Great and quick service, great food, great menu selection and variety. Most times you go to restaurant of this kind you have to be starving before they take the food to you but not at Pushpa or not on my experience. The Badami Chicken there is the best thing I've ever tasted and I mean that. EVER. Try it folks. Restaurant is tucked away in a cozy corner of the plaza which adds an element of seclusion which is a plus for me.

  • Kristina Neil

    Kristina Neil


    Before I visited Pushpa's, I'd never had Indian food. After Pushpa's, I want Indian food all the time. For a newbie, the menu was certainly overwhelming, but on recommendation I had the very popular chicken tikka masala and it was delicious. Very spicy, creamy and just yum. The service was good and the wait time wasn't equally good (to be honest, the restaurant was empty). Would certainly recommend to anyone.

najbliższy Restauracja

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