Juici Patties w Kingston

JamaicaJuici Patties



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6, Old Hope Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-383-9872
strona internetowej: juicipatties.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0204495, Longitude: -76.7674074

komentarze 5

  • Dexy G

    Dexy G


    Cashier and Waitress were all very courteous and patient as I had to make a call to confirm an order. Food was as expected so no complaints

  • Ben Casco

    Ben Casco


    I went on a Saturday morning..so idk about other days. The store was very crowded and the serving staff were slow despite the crowd. I observed they ran out of Manu options and guest were told whilst getting their order to go back to cashier to void. It was done with the least bit of empathy for the long wait times. The portions are far less for served food than other places I have eaten in Jamaica for the same or even lesser price. The porridge is delicious, though. Customer service real needs improvement.. I do not want to ever go back and wait there..not pleasant

  • Marsha Lee

    Marsha Lee


    Open early, organised system lots and lots of people in the breakfast time. The cornmeal and hominy corn porridge is not sweet, not salt, just right for my kids. The stew chicken and dumpling green banana is awesome, too. Their bathroom was clean as well.

  • Khaleel Huie

    Khaleel Huie


    Did you know they deliver? Yes, they do to the Kingston area. That's primarily how I get food here. And it's always been good. The service and delivery though, not so much. Inconsistent. I've ordered before and not received it. Otherwise good space, wait time in store tends to be lengthy. Juici here is trying be more than a patty shop and the food quality shows it.

  • Aisha Spencer

    Aisha Spencer


    Juici keeps getting better and better with customer service. The cashiers are both helpful and friendly, the service is very good and speedy, and the food is good. I can see they have taken the time to ensure that their customers have a good experience. It is working! Keep it up Juici!

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