New Leaf Vegetarian Restaurant w Kingston

JamaicaNew Leaf Vegetarian Restaurant



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121, Old Hope Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-648-3016
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0207148, Longitude: -76.7672858

komentarze 5

  • C W

    C W


    Their food made me throw up, I don't know what in it caused that but I haven't been back and will not go back. Same experience as Wendy's in Liguanea.

  • Mark Botelho

    Mark Botelho


    Wow, jem of a place hidden away in an unassuming mall. Great food choice and great service. Small bar to sit and eat.

  • Amy L

    Amy L


    I am giving them 2 stars to give credit for the food at least being edible. I have tried this place out 4 times now. I never give a restaurant more than 2 tries if my first experience was bad. But, considering the lack of choice for vegan food in the area, I have given them more chances than I cared to, because each time the food was bland and boring. The only thing I can say is consistently good are the samosas. I guess they feel they don’t have to put effort into the food since they don’t have competition. That might change more sooner than they think if they keep on this route. Do better! Season your food!

  • Cris H

    Cris H


    Great location, great staff. The patties are amazing, definitely recommend trying the ackee patty when available. I tried a tofu lunch box, the tofu wasn't pleasant and the rice options are limited. The burgers are good though. The lavender kombucha was amazing, definitely recommend. Overall good place, need better lunch items.

  • Michelle “Review Queen” Roberts

    Michelle “Review Queen” Roberts


    New Leaf always has some amazingly tasty vegetarian and vegan options to delight the taste buds. I really love their doubles but everything else that I've had from them is great- their daily specials, vegetarian patties and vegan desserts. The food is always fresh and the quantity is great!- some dishes are able to be shared between two persons or had for two meals. Pricing is fair especially since it's vegetarian and we all know that these options are expensive. Their naturally made drinks are lovely and they tantalize the taste buds- their kombucha is really nice. A major plus is that they have great customer service and that always counts. Overall, New Leaf is one of my favorite vegetarian restaurants to visit.

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