Syrynity Palace w St. James Parish

JamaicaSyrynity Palace


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Reading PO, Anchovy, 0000, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-952-6133
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4433917, Longitude: -77.9442596

komentarze 5

  • Lenington Jones

    Lenington Jones


    serene indeed relaxing and comfortable

  • Marsha Herbert

    Marsha Herbert


    For the best quick dinning with family

  • Tianna Jackson

    Tianna Jackson


    Its just awesome words can't explain

  • Simone Crawford

    Simone Crawford


    This is one of the worse hotel in Montego Bay Jamaica. 1) Not in a good location - Only one restaurant beside this hotel which is over price. There is no other store in this location. 2) This hotel is on the beach however you can NOT use the beach because it is dirty and have a lot of seaweed :( 3) In the room the towels support to be white but they were gray very dirty and disgusted 4) There were no remote for the TV 5) The pool was very dirty 6) The breakfast OH MAN this was the worse breakfast... 7) The bathroom was disgusted 8) There were no hot water 9) The hotel grounds was dirty 10) This hotel have people who work at the hotel live there 11) NO INTERNET in the room lol - so you have to go to the front to get wifi I am not making these things up this was the worse hotel. People put a lil more to be in a better hotel. Do NOT rent from this hotel I wish I could get a refund back but I purchase to a third party. Which is crazy to me cause third party booking should not accommodate this type of place.

  • Nath “SMZ” Sm

    Nath “SMZ” Sm


    Big rooms, good AC, paradise views. Not too far from town Mo Bay. Stayed for 23 days and it was prefect.

najbliższy Kwatera

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