Sahara dela Mer Inn w Montego Bay

JamaicaSahara dela Mer Inn


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Dr Aston King Hwy, Unity Hall, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-610-6455
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4524164, Longitude: -77.9774068

komentarze 5

  • Snowqueen British brat

    Snowqueen British brat


    It was great spending time here the staff was friendly made sure we had what I wanted and the kids were well assisted

  • Dalton Smith

    Dalton Smith


    It wasn't a bad place to stay but the service isn't that good. We had a toilet that wouldn't flush properly, a shower head with a very small stream of water and little water pressure making it difficult to use. We had to ask for toilet paper and for more than one towel. Most of the employees are very unprofessional and don't really do much of any work. It's sad but the place is very run down, there isn't even decent patio furniture to sit on and enjoy the beautiful ocean. Overall we were disappointed but it wasn't bad however we wish we'd chosen a different hotel and will in the future.

  • Hallo 1308

    Hallo 1308


    This hotel is really awful !!!! The rooms are very dirty and it was no water in the pool. The climate doesn’t work and the door can’t be closed. Don’t book the Sahara de la mer hotel. It’s just so dirty and the employees were so disrespectful. Would’ve given 0 stars.

  • Roh C

    Roh C


    Nothing is like they say on the site, the rooms they advertise when you book it is none refundable, they say AC but there are none in the rooms and the rooms do not come with towels can you believe that? nothing in the bar, loud music until 10 PM you are not treated with the proper respect as tho you are a guest... this is by far the worst place I've ever stayed in and I will never recomend it to my enemies.

  • Shamika Streat

    Shamika Streat


    I love the fact that STAFF go beyond their duty to make your stay comfortable as possible....besides very peaceful and beautiful place . CONS: across from a restaurant and they sell good but select food

najbliższy Kwatera

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