Secrets St. James Montego Bay w Montego Bay

JamaicaSecrets St. James Montego Bay



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Lot 59A Freeport, Freeport, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-953-6600
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4598286, Longitude: -77.9490992

komentarze 5

  • Duane Carr

    Duane Carr


    The property is large but walkable. Adults only. The seven (7) restaurants are in one general area to the extreme left end of the property, while the gym and activity areas are to the right most side. 24hr coffee cafe with pastries, fruits, ice cream, and coffee. Jerk hut and mobile jerk pan has some good quality chicken, pork and warm rolls. Preferred guest services available. Mini bar is stocked daily. Very good menu options and quality of food are maintained daily. Room service is available.

  • Ms. Hall

    Ms. Hall


    First off the wait for the room is hours passed the 3pm check in time. Insects attract you while waiting in the lobby for this extended time. Finally get into this moldy, musty, damp smelling room with broken bathroom fixtures! Unacceptable!!!!!! Disgusting!!!! Requested to be moved immediately! Staff was nice but the room move took another hour and a half to happen! Next room didn’t have the smell however, the cleaning was subpar. The smell in the elevators matched to moldy damp room smell. Didn’t expect this from a resort of this caliber. I’ll never go back! On the flip side, Staff was super friendly. Breakfast, room service, and food was good. Drinks were watered down tremendously. The only bar that had the effect of a non watered down drink was the one at the rooftop restaurant in Breathless. The French 75 over there was on point. The SPA was an awesome experience. The massage and hydro room was the bomb! If looking for nice clean, non moldy rooms, this isn’t the place for you. If you’re able to overlook that mishap then by all means, try it.

  • Andi Dublin

    Andi Dublin


    This was a safe property.The service was excellent, and the food wasn't great. I, however, enjoyed the Sunday brunch. The rooms needed a touch-up from maintenance .The grout was discolored. What should have been white is almost black, and the bathroom doors no longer close. There also needs to be more fun engaging activities. The spa was amazing! I had one of my best massages.

  • Alex “Toronto Real Estate Pro” Prasoulis

    Alex “Toronto Real Estate Pro” Prasoulis


    Nice resort in Montego Bay. Beach was nice but a little small. Hard to get beach chairs after 10am. Food was good and buffet was nice. Sometimes you have to wait long for diner. Service was average. Beach grill was slower service but had good beef patties. Rooms were very nice and spacious. Overall we had a nice stay.




    Beautiful resort. Water is crystal clear and temperature in March was perfect for swimming. We stayed in the St. James preferred area. It was very calm and quiet. If we wanted more activity, we went to Wild Orchids right next door. We had reservations at the Hibachi restaurant, but not until 9:30 p.m. so we decided to cancel and try the other Asian restaurant. Good decision because their food was delicious. The other really good meal we had was at Breathless, across the street. The view was amazing and the food was delicious. It was a very easy, pleasant vacation.

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