The Dental Studio w Kingston

JamaicaThe Dental Studio



🕗 godziny otwarcia

144, Constant Spring Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-648-2752
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0421072, Longitude: -76.7938484

komentarze 5

  • avalei march

    avalei march


    The best dental service I’ve ever experienced, the hygienist and her assistant were very gentle and made sure that I was comfortable. The dentist Dr Kirk Samuels for my first visit was very informative and makes me feel inclined to go in for checkups and cleanings now especially with braces and to stay up to date with the process.

  • Grace Chinloy Orelue

    Grace Chinloy Orelue


    5 star experience. I visited your office on Saturday, April 13th and Meshel made me very comfortable and handled me very well. I again attended your office this morning and Kirk made me very comfortable and provided proper guidance. Love you all!! Aunty Gracie (As they call me :) )

  • Chelsi Bernard

    Chelsi Bernard


    This was my first time at The Dental Studio and I had made an appointment with Dr. Kirk Samuels. He was very professional and friendly. He made me feel comfortable as I was very nervous. It was a great experience and I will most definitely be returning.

  • Sydonnie C

    Sydonnie C


    First time here, the cleaning was a bit too rough for my liking. Left feeling unsatisfied with the overall service. I won’t be returning or recommend.

  • Lexine Green

    Lexine Green


    Service was excellent! I absolutely appreciated their respect for time! I even got through a few minutes before my scheduled appointment time! Dr. Samuels and the team were very professional and thorough!

najbliższy Dentysta

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