Lifelong Smiles Dental Ltd. w Kingston 8

JamaicaLifelong Smiles Dental Ltd.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

208B Manor Centre, 195 Constant Spring Road, Kingston 8, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-792-8281
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0480362, Longitude: -76.794506

komentarze 5

  • K



    It's always a pleasure to visit my dentist - there is genuine care and exceptional customer service from the team. With my busy schedule, I appreciate the reminder calls when any particular service is due. Lifelong Smiles Dental - Thank you for keeping me smiling.

  • Kevin Johnson

    Kevin Johnson


    I must say I had a good dental visit today. The dentist was very gentle and informme of how to continue taking care of my smiles . All COVID protocols were observed. Thanks Lifelong Skiles Dental Ltd. Your team is the best.

  • Jamelia De Peralto

    Jamelia De Peralto


    Warm and friendly staff!! You can look forward to reminders for your appointments. Dr. Fisher has excellent bedside manners and is a highly proficient and competent dental practitioner.

  • Javana Small

    Javana Small


    Dr. Fisher was excellent when dealing with my toddler who usually cries when he visits the doctor. She made him comfortable and he went through the procedure without any problems. Dr. Fisher also gave advice on how to improve his dental health. Will be visiting again and recommending others.

  • Richard Smith

    Richard Smith


    Going here for years. All my family visits this dentist and no other. Very good work hours. Courteous staff. Gentle dental personnel. 😁😁😁. Always leaving here with a beautiful smile.

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