Altamont Court Hotel i Kingston

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Altamont Crescent, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-929-4497
Latitude: 18.0030366, Longitude: -76.786756
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Kommentar 5

  • Kay Dee

    Kay Dee


    DO NOT BOOK THIS ONE OR YOU WILL BE SORRY FOREVER!! Polite security. Great lobby but that is the catch. Nothing else looks like the photos. The rooms are not suitable for accomodations. Because I know it will be hard to believe what I am saying, I took photos to back up every word of what I am about to say. Look what cost $200 per night. These people have people are lining up to come here to experience these condition at $200 a night? Oh No, good God man! Nasty doors, nasty shower, broken window, nasty mold growing inside the AC, nasty kitchen with dingy filthy sponge, AC remote without back, low water pressure and no hot water, old decrypted floor the squeak even when you turn in the bed. One night and I was OUT! I slept in the sofa, dead afraid to touch the filthy bed and I totally skipped the free breakfast as I can just imaging the kitchen it was prepared in. YUK!!!

  • Shawna stewart

    Shawna stewart


    It was horrible for the most part. The staff was unprofessional and just displayed overall bad customer service. There was a horrible stench from the bathroom in the room I was in. There was a really loud prolonged sound each time I flushed the toilet. Food was OK but it felt like we were begging the staff to feed us even though everything was paid for. The carpets in the conference room upstairs is unsightly with huge stain marks all over. I do hope this hotel address at least 1 of the issues that I found distasteful over this past weekend. At least the pool was clean. I remember seeing someone clean it Saturday morning. I remember calling the operator to ask her to send someone to turn on the AC unit in the conference room and the lady told me to go downstairs to the restaurant and ask someone to come turn it on for me. Customer service at the hotel is below zero. I hope this can change.

  • John Doe

    John Doe


    It all started with the car service the Altamont hotel used to pick me up at the airport. Roxy, the cab driver, was awesome. I used him the entire time i was in Jamaica. When I arrived at the hotel i was greeted by a very friendly staff. From the security guard to the girls at the front desk. All were equally friendly. When i got to my room I found it to be very clean and comfortable. The restaurant staff was very pleasant and the food was DELICIOUS. They also have a Sunday Church service with was a plus for me. I would definitely stay there again and i recommend this hotel.

  • Raúl Mijangos

    Raúl Mijangos


    La atención en mostrador de recepción no es la más cálida, parecieran olvidar que están en el sector hospitalario turístico y deben dar una agradable bienvenida. Las instalaciones son ya algo viejas pero se mantienen con buena limpieza. Tienen en jaula algunas aves y dentro de una pequeña pecera improvisada algunos peces, cosa que me pareció lamentable por las condiciones en las que se encuentran. El servicio de restaurante y la calidad de alimentos es buena. Tuve problemas con la presión de agua en la ducha, prácticamente no salía y había que esperar pues en ciertos momentos aumentaba. No es un lugar que recomendaría. A mi regreso a Kingston considerare otras opciones.

  • Javier Alejandro Martin Aldana

    Javier Alejandro Martin Aldana


    Buen servicio

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