The Jamaica Pegasus Hotel i Kingston 5

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81, Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-926-3690
Latitude: 18.002876, Longitude: -76.788007
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Kommentar 5

  • Neil Smith

    Neil Smith


    I attended an charitable art auction on the top floor ballroom. The service was very good and attentive. The views from the top floor are amazing and memorable. Looking forward to future events there.

  • Dadrianne Segree

    Dadrianne Segree


    The perfect hotel for a business trip in Kingston. As it is centrally located in the capital city. Additional the hotel plays home to range of restaurants, each has a total different vibe. My favourite is Blend bar and longue. It has a lovely view of the pool and the best part is you are seated right outsid. Additionally its serves non alcoholic beverages.

  • Mario Evon

    Mario Evon


    The Jamaica Pegasus is a staple in Kingston. One of the longest existing and good functioning hotels around town. Central, and well-maintained. There is a 24/7 cafe and the space is buzzing with activity. Many local events are held there, so there is a fair amount of traffic but not traffic to disturb guests. There is a beautiful pool, tennis court and a few restaurants. The Pegasus is always truly top notch.

  • Sherika Russell

    Sherika Russell


    Nice hotel in new Kingston. They offer a wide range of services. Just parties, ceremonies, dinners, expos among other things. Their ball room is lovely, and the rooms are just as lovely. I had the opportunity to eat from their Tuesdays on the grill and that was sure fun

  • Craig Matthews

    Craig Matthews


    Helpful and friendly staff all round the Hotel. 24hr cafe can be very handy if you are working long hours or unusual hours. Very clean. Good food. Good location

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