Bob Marley Museum i Kingston

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56, Hope Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-630-1588
Latitude: 18.019549, Longitude: -76.779615
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Kommentar 5

  • Barry Bragton

    Barry Bragton


    Must see when in Kingston. Great history and life story of Bob and his family. The tour is well organized and fulfilling.

  • Rae Ann J

    Rae Ann J


    This gem is an awesome spot to visit. There’s such beautiful history and culture to discover. Our tour guide was interactive and friendly. My only recommendation is that they put better signs or arrows showing “Entrance to Museum” so drivers not familiar with the area can spot it more easily.

  • Wayne Dixon

    Wayne Dixon


    Amazing piece of Jamaican history telling the life story of one of the most well known and globally loved artists of all time. Informative and eye opening. A must see when in the Kingston area!

  • Lavonda Smith

    Lavonda Smith


    Visited the museum on the 24 May 2018 and it was a moving and thought provoking tour. Kenny, our tour guide was engaging and captivating. He did an excellent job and his delivery was as if he was actually living in the era and was giving a first hand account. He made our visit to the museum memorable. I trust that he is there when we return. I encourage all to visit the museum as the organizers did an impeccable job covering the life of Bob Marley. From the moment you step on property to the first words uttered you are taken back in time to walk in the steps of Bob Marley. What an awesome experience.

  • mellow hawgnthagame

    mellow hawgnthagame


    A must visit for anyone that visits the beautiful island of Jamaica. There is so much history and information in the honorable Robert Marley's house. The guides are very well informed and love to get the group involved with songs. ONE LOVE

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