Brooklyn Supermarket [Clock Tower] i Kingston

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11, Hope Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-908-4726
Latitude: 18.01126, Longitude: -76.795519
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Kommentar 5

  • PEP PoshEntertianmentPublishing

    PEP PoshEntertianmentPublishing


    Did like this supermarket, but cashiers are very rude, too much times. If you go in happy some cashier going to make you feel upset. I do not experience those behaviors in no other supermarket in Kingston. 'Brooklyn Supermarket Clock Tower is rude gal place'. The Cashier looks and act mean. Not going back!

  • Wesley Atkinson

    Wesley Atkinson


    Very lovely supermarket. Has a wide variety of items to choose from. Go on down and start shopping at Brooklyn Supermarket.

  • Joy Delecia Francis

    Joy Delecia Francis


    It was ok alot of shoppers need more cashiers please because when we leave work in the night we jus want to grab and go no delay waiting in line its a no no

  • Max Thompson

    Max Thompson



  • tariknembhard



    The space is nice and the location is great. The supervisors, especially Mr. Walters, are courteous. The cashiers are courteous too except for when their break is overdue but that's not unreasonable. The guys that pack the bags need some talking to. I've had to pack my own bags too many times. What's worse is when the cashiers have to pack bags and the line gets held up. Finally, the fresh fruit section of the refrigerator needs more frequent attention. I have seen mould on strawberries and grapes and I've seen spoilt cantaloupe in too many occasions.

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