Hi-Lo Food Stores i Kingston 10

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Pavilion Mall, 13 Constant Spring Rd, Kingston 10, Jamaika
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-754-2255
Hjemmeside: hilofoodstoresja.com
Latitude: 18.0132283, Longitude: -76.7984813
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Kommentar 5

  • Samantha walker

    Samantha walker


    Worst Hi-lo to shop, I bought 3 of a particular item , when I got home I found only two of the items in my bag...this is the second time this has happened. . Shoppers be aware ,,,especially when they are packing your bags.

  • Maurice Hurlock

    Maurice Hurlock


    Needed to get frozen fries and there were none there. However the festival mix is very affordable.

  • Roxroy Williams

    Roxroy Williams


    A great place to shop, affordable prices and a variety of goods for your needs

  • Karen Biggs

    Karen Biggs


    The items I was looking for I could not find. Apparently HILO only stock there brand only I had to find a next store I order to get what I wanted....which is not fun especially when it's raining

  • Web Developer

    Web Developer


    One of my favorite place to shop for grocery needs. Staff is friendly and helpful. The prices are also very competitive. Only challenge I have at times is the limited parking available at the Pavillion Mall.

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