Emancipation Park i Kingston

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Oxford Road, Kingston, JM Jamajka
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-926-6312
Hjemmeside: www.emancipationpark.org.jm
Latitude: 18.0029838, Longitude: -76.7897904
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Kommentar 5

  • Kimberly Bryan

    Kimberly Bryan


    I love it just as I did when it reopened years ago. I see the people are still doing their evening jogs and the government are improving the surfaces. I could sure run on that new surface everyday! The grounds are well kept and it's clean and beautiful.

  • jimmy uncle hulk

    jimmy uncle hulk


    Nice clean park has a nice story to it. Say I went the water ponds was being painted and they had big Jamaican flags flying. That statue is one of a kind men love it. And ladies wish to take him home lol.

  • Naomi Wilson

    Naomi Wilson


    This is a wonderful place for family and friends to meet and have fun. Apart from the statues that grace the front there is a lot of activity happening on a daily basis. Exercising individuals and groups, people relaxing on the benches scattered around, others enjoying the beauty of the park with the cobblestone walking area and the fountain in the middle of the park. It transforms in the night to a romantic ambience. The park is beautiful, clean and well maintained.

  • Cordel Orlebar

    Cordel Orlebar


    Great place for relaxing and finding a peace of mind, there is a big waterfalls in the centre, benches all around at strategic locations and a stone or a tree beside each bench is rigged as a speaker box which plays soothing music at a volume which is detectable only to the persons sitting on the bench. There is a running track which encompass the park and people sometimes just come to run and keep healthy. The grass is green and the flowers are beautiful like the wedding parties that often come here to take photos.

  • ralph hall

    ralph hall


    I The best place to exercise in the mornings. 2 The verdant landscape and beautiful environment put you at peace with yourself and the world at large. 3 You walk and talk with friendly people From all walks of life. 4 Visitors from all over the world staying at nearby Marriott and Pegasus visit the park to exercise and engage in friendly banter. 5 The West Indian umpires from the eastern Caribbean visit every year when there is a match on and give us free tickets to see matches. 6 An added attraction is the Gym donated by China Harbour. 6 The park and it's surroundings are safe and secure. Security guards and cameras ensure this is so. 7 I have been walking their for years. This is how I keep balanced mentally and physically

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