The Gardens i Kingston

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23, Liguanea Avenue, Kingston, JM Jamajka
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-927-5957
Latitude: 18.0256837, Longitude: -76.7708921
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Kommentar 5

  • Donnahae Rhoden Salmon

    Donnahae Rhoden Salmon


    It's ok. One of my clients love staying there

  • Clive Donoldson

    Clive Donoldson


    Very clean exciting

  • SGKVal



    Fairly nice rooms/ townhouses. Friendly staff. No restaurant is available but the rooms come with a kitchen and the Sovereign shopping centre, that has a food court, is close by

  • S Val

    S Val


    Wonderful, friendly people. The place is satisfactory with sufficient amenities

  • Bailey Lytle

    Bailey Lytle


    Stayed here during a study abroad trip, we had about 6 of the units. Very nice, simplistic units with the necessities. The kitchen has a small fridge/freezer, stove, microwave, and some basic pots, utensils, etc. The living rooms had couches, a tv with cable, a kitchen table and chairs. The bedrooms and nice, the only rooms with AC window units. I wish the wifi worked better, especially since we were there for a study abroad trip and needed wifi for our homework. It's in a nice part of the city, you are within walking distance to a shopping center. They also have a gate at the entrance which was nice. The people who own the building are very nice and always very helpful with anything you might need in your room. Overall a nice place to stay when you're in Kingston.

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