Gorgeous Flowers Co. Ltd. i Kingston

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Hagley Park Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-920-3354
Hjemmeside: gorgeousflowersjamaica.com
Latitude: 18.0080015, Longitude: -76.8117616
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Kommentar 5

  • Loriann Banks

    Loriann Banks


    Came here for last minute wreaths after another shop prepared wreaths with an artificial arrangement. Mr. Morris had it ready within an hour. Thank you for your fast service and beautiful arrangements. I will absolutely recommend this florist.

  • Horace Roach

    Horace Roach


    Made a same day visit for a floral delivery. Good, fresh products, reasonable prices and timely delivery! Very happy with the service.

  • Bridgette Hunter

    Bridgette Hunter


    Thank you as always love the work. Keep it up the good work

  • Alicia Bailey

    Alicia Bailey


    By far the worst experience EVER! Referred by a friend to place an overseas order. Placed my order online when the store opened, called to ensure the order was received, the sales associate assured me that the flowers would be delivered at 4:00 P.M .Same day service, after all that's what I was charged for. The flowers were not delivered. I called on Saturday to get a refund and all the sales associates placed me on hold for 20 - 30 minute intervals. No business etiquette at all. HORRIBLE customer service. Brittany is a terrible supervisor who's full of attitude and definitely doesn't know how to handle escalations. Maybe you should spend some money on giving your CSR's customer service and managerial training. Never forget that without customers, there's no business. I will NEVER order or refer someone to your business!

  • Rashida Wynter-Donaldson

    Rashida Wynter-Donaldson


    Fresh cut flowers, gift baskets, bouquets for weddings, funeral arrangements and gift items. Friendly and helpful staff. The prices are very reasonable. Cheaper than other flowers or gift basket places. They also deliver. The also see floral materials and things for the DIY decorator. It's a win!

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