Shields and Shields Flowers Islandwide Delivery i Kingston

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122 3/4, Barbican Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-776-8244
Latitude: 18.0322848, Longitude: -76.7801777
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Kommentar 5

  • Howard Peart

    Howard Peart


    Customer service was excellent, worth the visit. Refreshing to find people knowledgeable about what they do.

  • Catherine Dennis

    Catherine Dennis


    I live in Toronto, Canada and it was a seamless process to be able to order flowers online via their website. I highly recommend, for the prompt and courteous service and always fresh beautiful flowers, mom loved them! Thank you Shields and Shields for helping to make our Mother's Day a memorable one.

  • Denver Dawes

    Denver Dawes


    Five stars all the way.... Great product. .. Great service ... Great history ... Well trusted and respected Can't say anything more ....5 start treatment.

  • Somer Spencer

    Somer Spencer


    So thankful to Shields and Shields. Being in the US I was extremely happy to find that they had an online website that I was able to order flowers for my mother's birthday. The order was placed online with an user friendly website and 24 hours later the beautiful Doral arrangement was delivered to my mother in Jamaica. In speaking with her, she said the persons who delivered her flowers were so pleasant. Thank you for making my mother's day, for being efficient and professional and responsive. Thank you also for providing this online service that allows persons abroad to send gifts to loved ones. Keep up the good work and God bless.

  • Kevin Robinson

    Kevin Robinson


    They are very professional in your product and their services. They make the actually flower arrangement just as in the picture and even better. The online shopping experience is next to world class. Please keep this service up and always strive to be a customer-centric enterprise placing your customers at the heart and center all times. This is the place to go to have flowers and plants sent to your loved ones in Jamaica. Nobody But Shields and Shields Flowers Islandwide.

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