Hope Zoo i Kingston

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Kingston, Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-927-1085
Hjemmeside: hopezookingston.com
Latitude: 18.0246526, Longitude: -76.7473337
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Kommentar 5

  • Max Max

    Max Max


    Over priced at 1500 adults and 1000 kinds 3 up. Obvious poor arrangements for entry through surrounding property of Hope Gardens we had to pay them although we were not going to the gardens. Clean, Quite and a very romantic spot for couples to bond. Only the birds seem happy and alive, compared to other zoos I've been.

  • Rashida Wynter-Donaldson

    Rashida Wynter-Donaldson


    Clean surroundings and perfect for a family day out. Need more amimals but its a start. Its not huge so carry a board game and feed the birds. Gazebos give you an opportunity to beat the sun. Entrance fee is a little pricey.

  • Junie Foster

    Junie Foster


    A enjoyable day out. The fee is reasonable about £12/17. There is some reduction for pensioners. The complex is not very big so one can see the varied animals. There is a lot of walking which could hinder persons with reduced mobility. Although there is parking within the complex which is closer to the animals but it is not actively offered. You may benefit by bringing your own snacks as the facilities available are limited and not always open. They have an Appleton's function area, with restaurant, bar and stage for live shows, but this is only available from Thursday to Saturday and opens after 6pm.

  • Chauntae Hamilton

    Chauntae Hamilton


    It was a nice environment but prices are pretty high for such a small zoo and we didn't even get access to a tour guide at the time. Most animals were asleep. Would have been nice if we had even gotten a bottle of water complimentary.

  • Rebeca Oliva Castellote

    Rebeca Oliva Castellote


    Paisaje precioso, limpio, amplias zonas para comer. Pocos animales

Nærmeste Zoo:


153 Old Hope Road, Kingston
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