Bob Marley Museum i Kingston

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56, Hope Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-630-1588
Latitude: 18.019549, Longitude: -76.779615
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Kommentar 5

  • Andrew Lee

    Andrew Lee


    Great experience. Bongo Hermann had real good vibes and lots to see and learn at the museum. It's in a safe part of Kingston. This is a must see for anyone brave enough to go to Kingston.

  • patricia hardwick

    patricia hardwick


    Guides are very knowledgeable and bubbly when leading the tour. Bobs house was cool. The little movie after the tour gets you if it’s a hot day and you sit down in a comfy seat with the cold ac blasting you tend to fall asleep very quickly but not cause it’s boring but more cause it’s comfortable. I would say the tours be a bit smaller group number. I was apart of a big group and it seemed everyone kinda squeezing to see everything at the same time.

  • Emily Anderson

    Emily Anderson


    I'd recommend the tour.. we brought a local and they said they enjoyed the tour as well. Theres something for everyone to take away from this place. The history was awesome. Our tour guide was well informed and charismatic. It's a cool space to check out.

  • Ely Womack

    Ely Womack


    Great and informative tour, excellent tour guide. No photos or videos allowed inside the house, but it's best experienced in person anyway. A dream come true for myself and my family, it is a must-see for anybody who considers themself a Bob Marley/reggae fan! To get the full experience, I also recommend going to Nine Mile in St. Ann, Bob's final resting place.

  • Lavonda Smith

    Lavonda Smith


    Visited the museum on the 24 May 2018 and it was a moving and thought provoking tour. Kenny, our tour guide was engaging and captivating. He did an excellent job and his delivery was as if he was actually living in the era and was giving a first hand account. He made our visit to the museum memorable. I trust that he is there when we return. I encourage all to visit the museum as the organizers did an impeccable job covering the life of Bob Marley. From the moment you step on property to the first words uttered you are taken back in time to walk in the steps of Bob Marley. What an awesome experience.

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