Pastry Passions i Kingston

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Hope Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-927-9552
Latitude: 18.0178771, Longitude: -76.7819391
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Kommentar 5

  • Richard Panton

    Richard Panton


    Have dessert first...the slogan says it all. Lots of options to choose from.

  • Niketa's Life &Style

    Niketa's Life &Style


    Amazing ambience, they serve great desserts(cakes, ice cream, brownies, tarts). In addition this location serves breakfast, salad, sandwiches and soups. The restaurant is child friendly. The service is also very good, staff are pleasant and helpful.

  • Tka Briscoe

    Tka Briscoe


    Great dessert shop and cafe. Love the addition of savoury items, especially the burgers.

  • Toya Ed

    Toya Ed


    Wonderful ambience, warm and courteous staff. Food absolutely 'made with love' - wide assortment of pastry items to cater to any sweet tooth, a fair menu offering of sandwiches, soups and salads outside of their standard pastry items. Would definitely return.

  • Tanya G Davies

    Tanya G Davies


    Great service, ambience and overall vibe. They clearly want you to stay. Also they have play sections for children and an ice cream parlour. This place is also located in Sovereign Plaza and is well known for their desserts.

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