Sweet Mischief Ja Ltd i Kingston

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39, Beechwood Avenue, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-363-4442
Hjemmeside: www.facebook.com
Latitude: 17.996428, Longitude: -76.7981194
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Kommentar 5

  • Felicia Allen

    Felicia Allen


    Very poor service I called about a cake from two weeks ago the person who answered told me to send a picture of the cake to their WhatsApp and up this point no response I called the person said they were sick and they would have responded from last week and up until now they have not read my message.

  • Hillary Evelyn-Birch

    Hillary Evelyn-Birch


    Customised Novelty cakes, cupcakes and butter cookies available here.

  • Tamika Çowan

    Tamika Çowan


    Great job guys...Cakes always on point

  • Bose Sanni

    Bose Sanni


    I have been at the outlet twice on aTuesday 10am and Friday 10.30am and it was not opened. Although I have also been there once that it was opened in the morning. I'll suggest calling before visiting

  • GoodWood Cooking

    GoodWood Cooking


    This family owned business is exceptional. They know how to personalize anything you can think of and the taste is exceptional. Can't wait to go back and enjoy the cakes and everything else.

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