Reggae Hostel i Kingston

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8, Burlington Avenue, 10, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-920-6528
Latitude: 18.01539, Longitude: -76.803598
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Kommentar 5

  • Markita Reed

    Markita Reed


    Reggae Hostel exceeded my expectations. Kingston isn't the safest city in general but I felt very safe here. They have round the clock security, free breakfast, a bar and the location is ideal being walking distance from Half Way Tree. I'm a single woman and I felt safer here than anywhere else I stayed during my travels. It's a great place to make friends, I always had something to do and the staff was really helpful. They have maps and brochures available and can provide information for practically anything whether you want to hit the tourist hot spots or hang with the locals. Transportation was very confusing to navigate on my own, but they knew all the bus routes and taxi fares so I was prepared everywhere I went. I also visited the hostel in Ocho Rios which is right on the beach. I hope to come back and stay at both hostels soon!

  • Jamie de jongh

    Jamie de jongh


    The people working here are great! i was here in the Christmas season and i had a great time. The rooms were always tidy and cleaned, the breakfast is lovely and the staff is always up for a good chat! you can ask or look up information about Jamaica and what to do in the hostel. They have a big and great backyard with a bar, couches, benches and a hammock. Planning to go again this year

  • MavEryck Stevenson, Esq

    MavEryck Stevenson, Esq


    Everyone working here is kind and friendly. Nice environment. Ea

  • Cam Dusting

    Cam Dusting


    Amazing! Such a great place. They are constantly playing reggae music on the sound systems which creates an authentic Jamaican vibe. It's cheap and the whole place is constantly clean. And the staff are awesome. Shout out to Gilly, Nikki, Simi, Stacy, TJ and everyone else who works here. One Love

  • Kamal Afandi

    Kamal Afandi


    Nice hostel, with a nice vibe, and great personnel. Get up early to get breakfast before it is gone though and when they cook the portions are a bit stingy... and be aware of your belongings, somebody helped themselves to a pack of my cigars from Cuba 😡 though not the hostels fault and not taking away any rating.

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