Beta Medical and Wellness Center w Spanish Town

JamaicaBeta Medical and Wellness Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

11, Barrett Street, Spanish Town, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-812-8232
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9939485, Longitude: -76.9496552

komentarze 5

  • Jay Garik

    Jay Garik


    Very knowledgeable doctor and nurse, very welcoming and relatable. An amazing family doctor

  • Joshua Thomas

    Joshua Thomas


    The office is in a good and easy to reach area, the receptionist/nurse is professional and efficient and the doctor is very welcoming, easy to talk to and professional

  • Emil Douglas

    Emil Douglas


    Guys what can I say, they provide great medical services. Let me explain, they actually talk to you and tell you what they think is happening or what they have diagnosed. No secrets between you and your doctor. They have is the most affordable cost I have seen in approximately 2 years and they smile all the time. It's a great feeling to be treated like am important whenever I go there. My children love it there, especially a certain doctor is present. All in all the experience is always pleasant and we leave feeling informed and properly treated.

  • Woolet Williams

    Woolet Williams


    The service is very good,and the staff is very pleasant and nice. the doctor is very caring and passionate about her clients,

  • Deadrian Ambersley

    Deadrian Ambersley


    Great place and service, professional and brilliant doctor.

najbliższy Lekarz

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