Burger King w Montego Bay

JamaicaBurger King



🕗 godziny otwarcia

F3M9+7X7, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-940-5015
strona internetowej: burgerking.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.483153, Longitude: -77.9300847

komentarze 5

  • Damon Leng

    Damon Leng


    Stock Standard Burger King experience. Even though there weren’t that many people in the restaurant, it still took over 40 minutes to receive our order of two burgers and fries. Quality was as expected, my burger was a little burnt.

  • K B

    K B


    Don't entertain even going. Waited 40 minutes for food to be put in a bag and then given to customers. Staff member spent more time sticking receipt to brown bag instead of putting the food into it to then give to customers. One staff member focused on drive through customers instead of customers waiting in the restaurant. No common sense, extremely rude and disrespectful to the customers. Even locals were cussing her out due to her behaviour. Not sure if she understood the concept of the title fast food!!!!!

  • Jason Young

    Jason Young


    Came in the store to avoid the drive thru , and stood waiting for the cashier for little over 3 minutes.i was advised by the shift supervisor that the cashier is coming while she shared out the food.I called out for the cashier and got stunned look from the staff, only for the shift supervisor to come and cash my order. Then after all that to receive a cold burger meaning the meat was cooked correctly ,and warm fries with no salt

  • Robert L Smith Jr

    Robert L Smith Jr


    My family and I dined here on the morning of 3/23/24 before catching a flight back to the USA. We were told we could not get ketchup with our hash browns, but they provided ketchup to family members who ordered off the lunch menu. I thought BK used to make things your way? They didn't even have jelly to go with my breakfast sandwich. The order bagger was not friendly, and the A/C in the dining area didn't feel like it was working properly. Not a good experience.

  • Jon Jon

    Jon Jon


    Bogged at from every angle. Waste of time. If there are more 5 people then forget getting anything for an hour. I walked out one night no queue but the big girl just bogged at me and couldn't be bothered to serve. I would be very annoyed if I was the owner of this place as no money was going through to till

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