The Pork Pit w Montego Bay

JamaicaThe Pork Pit



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27, Gloucester Avenue, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-940-3008
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4796633, Longitude: -77.9281533

komentarze 5

  • Ben Music

    Ben Music


    Food was delicious! We got jerk chicken with plantains, it was our first meal in Jamaica. Great service and easy to get to, had a parking lot. Very unique how they cooked it on the sticks. Place was 10/10

  • Daniel Eisenschink

    Daniel Eisenschink


    Seriously the best jerk pork I’ve had in two weeks on the island. Ate here several times and it never disappoints. In other spots you often get soft skin and chunky fat bites with bone - here you get the best of the pork, juicy, crispy and Tender. And it’s not stewed down, it’s smoked over charcoal. Prices are very reasonable and the self made hot sauce is really hot (not like the washed down super market versions) If you want the original Jamaican Jerk experience - Pork Pit is the place to go

  • G Zibs

    G Zibs


    This is elite. Everything about the visit. The food is spectacular, I had the pork, chicken, rice, plantain and festivals. Service was prompt and kind. Love the smell of the fire and cooking on bamboo. A tremendous experience and an authentic one too. Highly recommend you go here for lunch or dinner if you're in the area.

  • Andy W

    Andy W


    Currently on our holidays in Jamaica and wanted to go off resort to experience as much culture as possible. This place is an absolute diamond with plenty of delicious local plates. I went for jerk chicken, oxtail and rice and peas and it was soooo nice.

  • shauny b

    shauny b


    Ordered the shrimp and pork with rice and peas and all tasted delicious. Authentic no frills kind of place which is what we wanted. A lot of locals go to this place so that tells you how good the food is. Reggae music playing the whole time too which makes it a better vibe Definitely recommend

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