Island Grill w Montego Bay

JamaicaIsland Grill



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Unit 3, 1101a, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-979-0079
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 18.4601544, Longitude: -77.9247507

komentarze 5

  • Scott E

    Scott E


    If you've ever wondered which fries/chips are best: McDonald's, Burger King or Wendy's then you've wasted your time. The fries/chips here are amazing. Best I've ever had. You can see from my photos exactly what we ordered and how much we paid. The prices are similar to what you expect to pay for the same amount of food from a similar establishment in the UK. Very reasonable in comparison However for locals.... I don't expect the price is too favourable for the average worker.

  • Kaylyn Gooden

    Kaylyn Gooden


    Had the jerk chicken and green plantain option. It was good. The june plum juice though $495 for a small cup seemed exorbitant. Anyway it hit the spot and didnt take me too long to get served.

  • Asha Mwendo

    Asha Mwendo


    Food is always good quality and so was service. Was even more pleased to see that when I customer accidentally spilled her drink, the security officer quickly rendered support, and she was called back and given a replacement drink. Awesome service.

  • Brian Dittmer

    Brian Dittmer


    First taste while visiting Jamaica. I didn't know how to pronounce what they had, but I pointed and got what I wanted. It turned out to be half a chicken, plantain, and festival with some rice. My wife and I enjoyed it together with plenty of food at a great price. We shared a mango juice drink as well that tasted great. This place was busy but still had a wonderful atmosphere. Everyone was nice around us. Thank you for a satisfying meal.

  • Sébastien Barrette

    Sébastien Barrette


    I'd rather spend my money in a Jamaican chain! Food is good with local twist. The mango-carrot juice not too sweet and so refreshing! Nice staff

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