Juici Patties w Montego Bay

JamaicaJuici Patties



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Alice Eldemire Drive, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-684-9234
strona internetowej: www.juicipatties.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4550249, Longitude: -77.924674

komentarze 5

  • Naudia Emziah

    Naudia Emziah


    The food was really good. The lines are really long, so have patience.

  • J. Williams

    J. Williams


    Ordered 3 chicken patties yesterday and while dozens of other customers got their orders and left, I waited alongside another customer who had ordered 4 chickens. It turned out that new trays of chicken patties were being put out, but the SERVER bagging the patties was sneakily putting them a box on the side. This barefaced server chose to have customers waiting longer than usual while she hoarded patties in a box for a special someone who wasn’t even in the store!! If you want to hoard chicken patties for your friends, do it in the back, not in front, OR simply increase the chicken patty production. Whenever you see workers so bold with their bad work ethics and lack of integrity, it is usually coming down from management. Yes, they know that their supervisor is just as bad as they are and will turn a blind eye to their shenanigans. Do better Juci Patties!!!!

  • Sabri



    We got a box of mix patties and it came with a free bonus patty. The patties were flaky and tasty like Turkish börek however it took us 5+ minutes to order the food as the young dude who was taking the orders was not paying attention because he was constantly staring at a woman customer behind us.

  • Fre Hickman

    Fre Hickman


    This restaurant is very close to the cruise pier. The patties were fresh and filled to capacity. The beef patties with American cheese are just simply called cheese patties, so don't make the mistake we did by asking for 3 beef and cheese patties. We ended up with 3 plain and 3 cheese. The management promptly corrected the mishap but we were refunded in jaimaican dollars. I highly recommend.

  • Brian B

    Brian B


    Patties were pretty good, although I am new to Jamaica and do not have much frame of reference to compare them to. The staff was friendly, but they could do a better job of keeping the place clean. It was very busy at about 5:00pm, and it took about 20 minutes to get our food. They were also completely out of all chicken products, hot dogs, and French fries.

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