Millennium Victori w Montego Bay

JamaicaMillennium Victori



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Barnett Street, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-276-4858
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.468592, Longitude: -77.919468

komentarze 5

  • Shauntae Peters

    Shauntae Peters


    I love this place so much! The food was amazing, the people who work there are incredibly nice, and I really liked their decor and vegan messages on the walls.

  • Maria Coyle

    Maria Coyle


    PSA!! This gem of a restaurant is located next to Danny’s bargain center further up road. Maps aren’t quite accurate. DELICIOUS AUTHENTIC VEGAN JAMAICAN FOOD!! and the nicest staff.. It felt like I ate a home cooked Jamaican meal from a nurturing community. JAH BLESS

  • Terrence James

    Terrence James


    All in all positive vibes and healthy food options. Had a bunch of things and they were all great. Check out the pictures I posted.

  • Elizabeth Shniper

    Elizabeth Shniper


    Delicious, healthful, mindful food and juices. Very much enjoyed the Veggie Balls in the Sweet and Sour sauce. Completely walkable from the Strip. The staff is so helpful and able to guide you through all the delicious options. Able to get a plate with small portions of multiple entrees. It was the first meal in Jamaica that my carnivorous friend finished his plate clean.

  • 107 AH

    107 AH


    Bless up to the good food and good people of Millennium Victory. After fasting for a day, I opened up my mid day with a meal of fresh guava juice, some ital sip, and mixed vegetables plate with polenta and rice. The ital way keeps true with whole food flavors. I loved the way I could enjoy original flavors from real food and herbs and spices. Do yourself a favor if you’re looking for good food, stop by Millenium Victory.

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