Club Nazz & Restaurant w Falmouth

JamaicaClub Nazz & Restaurant



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Market Street, Falmouth, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-617-5175
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 18.492271, Longitude: -77.6534902

komentarze 5

  • Tanya Campbell

    Tanya Campbell


    Great staff, plenty options and tasty food and mixed drinks

  • T S

    T S


    The food and service was great. I am vegan and I had rice and peas, cabbage and plaintains since they were out of the vegetable plate. Excellent. If I lived here I'd eat here regularly. My husband had jerk chicken plate and he loved it as well. You could see it was well seasoned, cooked to perfection and tender. On top of that, the prices were very low. Less than $6 USD for most meals. Red stripe was also only $3 USD. I would highly recommend Club Nazz.

  • Orange Moon

    Orange Moon


    Nazz is a great place to go if you want good food and like to people watch. You can eat out on the veranda and watch everybody in town pass by. I come for the soup at least 2-3 times a week. There are not a lot of thrills and frills but it's a nice spot.

  • Zan Hecht

    Zan Hecht


    Club Nazz has free WiFi and pretty good food. We ordered Ackee and Saltfish (the national dish of Jamaica) with eggs and a side of fried breadfruit. It was very good, and very filling.

  • Shelby Seward

    Shelby Seward


    I was just here 10/21/2015 and wanted to get outside the walls of the cruise ship area (which is I thought was over-commercialized) to see a bit of the local area with my family (wife + 3 kids). Of course when you're on a cruise (I would hope) you would want to get out any see the local area and the people that are in it and learn a bit more about them. When we were in Cozumel you didn't have someone in your face every 5 seconds asking you to take a ride somewhere and you weren't looking over your shoulder but I felt in Falmouth this was the case all of the time. Nevertheless, we made our way to "Club" Nazz & Restauarant which wasn't a club? One of the local guides directed us there and it looked like a cool place from the outside. The waiter grabbed our bottles of water fairly quickly and I tried to keep the family in good spirits in the restaurant with almost zero circulation in the sweltering heat until he came around to get our order after another 10 minutes. I was pretty happy until that point. We ordered the ever complex 2x Jerk Chicken and 2xQuesadillas. 15 minutes maybe to get it, right? Then we waited, and waited, and waited, and, well, you get the idea. I started sitting back people-watching and then noticed, wait a second, locals were coming in to this stand, ordering, getting their food, paying, and leaving. Then, I noticed people coming in to tables that sat down, ordering, getting their food, and even one finished his food and he had arrived at least 15 minutes after us if not more. It just kept happening, over and over for at least 30 minutes. My 15-month old started screaming after being hot and starving, and we kept our mouths shut to the wait staff the whole time. I finally decided to get up and find our waiter over at the bar and asked him to at least try and bring the 2 kids' quesadillas over to get the kids something to eat in as polite a tone as I could muster. The waiter said the reason it was taking time was quesadillas are "made to order." I'm sorry, but, quesadillas are what you make when you have no time at home and per quesadilla takes about one minutes and you basically want to appease a 2-3 year old. Then, we waited, some more, maybe 10 more minutes, and the food finally came out. I took 3 bites of not great chicken (I could've done the same myself without much work) and my wife reacted to the food, threw up, and we wanted to leave right then (also the baby decided it was time to scream so we didn't want to piss everyone off). So, I went to find the waiter to at least get our bill; I think the time between finding him once and getting the check was another 5-7 minutes. Time between me getting the bill and paying the waiter... 10 seconds. The bill was about $35US and I left him $41US with our 5% eaten lunch because I don't want anyone in Jamaica to have a bad view of U.S. citizens. He apologized but it really didn't help matters. I really did try being a very nice person the whole time but it didn't do a lot of good. Never did I want to come back to cruise food for lunch. Uggggh. Disney makes some decent food for lunch but I was hoping for something more than the standard food on the boat. Then, we got to walk back thru the people asking us to take rides for the walk back to the terminal. We got to the cruise terminal and a huge relief came over me. So sad. Don't go here if you're not a local.

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