Glistening Waters Restaurant and Marina w Falmouth

JamaicaGlistening Waters Restaurant and Marina



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A1, Falmouth, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-954-3229
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4826907, Longitude: -77.6286027

komentarze 5

  • Roscoe Woods

    Roscoe Woods


    Prepared for the slow pace having been to Jamaica several times, but the food here was disappointing. Arranged for a ride from our home to the restaurant it never arrived at the specified time, we called and then they sent the ride. Arrived over an hour late. Had the jerk chicken and it was bland and luke warm. As I noted the service was what it was but after the long wait the food, well sub par is the best way to state it. Do not recommend for dinner, never got the boat ride since we were so late and it started to rain so no way to comment on that.

  • Wayne Stewart

    Wayne Stewart


    I was impressed with the upkeep of the building, inside and out. There was no signs of wear and tear as I have noticed in other hotels of this level. The restaurant was relaxing quite, presentable and organized. Food was very good. Low sodium is very important to my wife and I and none of the four meals we during the two days were high. I definitely would recommend this location.

  • Karen Bell

    Karen Bell


    My 2 children aged 32 & 13 & Myself went on an evening tour. What a load of rubbish tbh. We arrived by car to the location. My daughter checked us in & paid. 25usd each, we were given a complimentary punch & allocated a skipper as we were taken to our boat. Sailed out & a little history was told. My 13 year old decided to swim, the Photographers didn't get one photo & didn't try to. We are not tourist or white enough for them to try to interact with on that level. Experience lasted 30-45 minutes & was not enjoyable

  • Andrew Gill

    Andrew Gill


    We decided to visit Glistening Waters since it was relatively close to our stay at the Iberostar Rose Hall. I had a fabulous time, the colors are a bit muted compared to what you see in the pictures, but I would still recommend it to anyone within half an hour of the location. It was $25 and the boat captain lets you swim in the waters for about half an hour. Its pretty amazing to kick back in the water lighting up around you and see all the stars in the sky. Would I drive an hour here to do this again? Probably not. Half hour or less I probably would. All in all, a pleasant time.

  • Becky Candelora

    Becky Candelora


    The boat ride was $25 per person. A 7 minute boat ride in the dark. The water glows as it moves. The water was 4 feet deep and warm. It had a stagnant odor. Swimming in it was cool, splashing around turning the water blue. It gave a slight tingly/stinging sensation. One of the guests actually got stung by something. No worries, the caption had a potion to rub on it.

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