Couples Negril w Negril

JamaicaCouples Negril



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Norman Manley Boulevard, Negril, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-957-5960
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.342311, Longitude: -78.335656

komentarze 5

  • Ryanne Dean

    Ryanne Dean


    I'm a Travel Agent and was able to do a site tour of this resort. It is a beautiful resort w/ a relaxing vibe. They have multiple restaurants, bars, and pools. They are on a beautiful beach with calm waters. Rooms are nice and 1st floor suites have hammocks on patio. And the staff was all amazing. Highly recommend for couples looking for a romantic getaway

  • Michele Leslie

    Michele Leslie


    We had not been to Jamaica in 30 years and weren't 100 percent sure we wanted to go back because - over the years - we fell in love with the DR and Mexico. So we booked Couples Negril for our anniversary trip and - from the first steps on the property - we knew this was our new favorite. It is a very comfortable resort. The layout - the furniture - the amenities - all very comfortable. The food is very good for an all-inclusive. But it is the staff that make this your home away from home. We booked a second trip and had the same wonderful experience. I am sure we will be back again.

  • Nathan Meyers

    Nathan Meyers


    Wonderful! Can't wait to go back. Definitely the best food I've had at an all-inclusive. Talked with a couple that has been to Jamaica 35 times and they said Couples Negril was their top choice of the entire island.

  • Nisha Contractor

    Nisha Contractor


    Couples Negril was everything we needed and more. The property and beach were beautiful. It’s a smaller resort, so everything felt more quaint - not far to get to anywhere and no over crowding or having to save chairs. The rooms were clean and modern. The staff was so friendly and attentive. Usually we don’t expect much out of the food of an all inclusive resort, but we were pleasantly surprised with the variety of dishes and the quality at all the restaurants. It was also such a huge plus to have the transport to and from the airport, all the water sports and the catamaran trip as part of the overall package. In addition - the entertainment was amazing. Each night had a great theme (casino night, beach party, reggae night) and the piano bar was SO fun. We also had the best couples massage of our lives in the treehouse overlooking the beach. So many people we spoke to were return visitors (some coming for 10+ years) and we will 100% become loyal customers too. We’re already looking into a trip next year. Jamaica is a beautiful country and we felt safe the entire time we were there. Book your trip ASAP. You won’t regret it.

  • Shannon Motter

    Shannon Motter


    My husband and I spent 9 Wonderful days at Couples Negril. They took care of Everything so all we had to do was relax and enjoy all of the beauty of this Caribbean Gem. If you are looking to spend special time with your partner, you cannot find a better resort. Every single staff member makes you feel welcome and special! Everyone from the grounds keepers to the management staff work very hard to make your stay relaxing and memorable. We wouldn't try any other. Thank you to all the awesome folks who made our stay special. 💓

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