Grand Palladium Jamaica Resort & Spa w Lucea

JamaicaGrand Palladium Jamaica Resort & Spa


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Point Lucea, Lucea, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-619-0000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4578599, Longitude: -78.1507258

komentarze 5

  • Lillie (Lillie)

    Lillie (Lillie)


    Japanese Restaurant was great. Customer service was excellent and staff were attentive to our needs. I disliked a dish and this was immediately replaced. Staff go way and beyond, always polite, respectful and cheerful.

  • Shaw J

    Shaw J


    Bianca at Mobday Buffet was amazing and attentive to our needs. She always checked on us. She always brought us what we needed quickly and efficiently. Big up yourself Bianca you were amazing and the best server we had thus far during our stay at Lady Hamilton. Thank you. 😊

  • Haran Mahadevan

    Haran Mahadevan


    On the first day we went to dinner and the service was exceptional! Amanda was so attentive and made us feel very special. She noticed made sure to top up our drinks as soon as they hit half way and made sure all our needs were met. I asked if she could also give me a cup of milk to take to the room for my morning coffee and within a minute she had brought it over to the table. Very happy with the service.

  • Hackim Abdul

    Hackim Abdul


    Great rooms, very serene and scenic. Beaches are to die for but most staff don’t seem very motivated and it’s understandable because an all inclusive has very little tipping culture. Poseidon was my favourite restaurant and we got by far the best service from Bobbie Gail! Richard the gardener was fantastic too.

  • Krista



    Ashley Ann-Dunkley is the sweetest person ever! She went over and beyond to make my birthday special. She arranged candlelight dinner on the beach as well as decorated the room with rose petals and balloons! Her customer service is excellent and her warm spirit is even better!! Please make sure you ask for Ashley when you come. Thanks Ashley, you rock!!! 😊🙏🏾

najbliższy Kwatera

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