Dalkeith Cottages w Knockpatrick

JamaicaDalkeith Cottages


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

XFPQ+MH2, Knockpatrick, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-904-8341
strona internetowej: dalkeithgreathouse.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9866446, Longitude: -77.5111239

komentarze 5

  • Bradford Hearn

    Bradford Hearn


    Great house, great folks, romantic venue, pure Jamaica!

  • Jerome- Lloyd Banton

    Jerome- Lloyd Banton


    One of the most beautiful relaxing exceptional place you could ever been. your visit to Dalkeith greathouse is an unforgettable one you will never forget it. the atmosphere and tranquility relax the mind and put you in a sense of relaxation. The food the fellowship and the environment come on experience for yourself.

  • Oshane Solomon

    Oshane Solomon


    The scenery and atmosphere at Dalkeith's Cottage is awesome. The rooms are exotic and pleasant. I unreservedly recommend that you visit this place for your events or just a place to stay and relax for a weekend. The pool too is nice!

  • Taj-Marie Whyte

    Taj-Marie Whyte


    If it's peace and quite that your searching for this is the place for you. It's recommended for writers and persons seeking inner peace

  • Gosford Lawrence

    Gosford Lawrence


    Loved this place, so quiet and away from the hustle & bustle. Beautiful flowers, like a little garden of eden. And peacocks, they have peacocks, haven't seen those birds in a while.

najbliższy Kwatera

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