Golf View Hotel w Mandeville

JamaicaGolf View Hotel


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1/2, Caledonia Road, Mandeville, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-538-3838
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Latitude: 18.0422935, Longitude: -77.5112686

komentarze 5

  • 4 Your Trips, Travels & Tours

    4 Your Trips, Travels & Tours


    I recently stayed at The Golfview Hotel in Mandeville, Jamaica, and it was a thoroughly disappointing experience. The issues began as soon as I arrived. Despite the hotel’s promises of comfort and convenience, I found that there was no hot water in my room, making showers a very unpleasant experience. Additionally, both the TV and telephone were inoperable, leaving me without basic amenities and unable to contact the front desk easily. The absence of an elevator was another major inconvenience, especially when carrying luggage to the upper floors. This is something the hotel should clearly communicate to potential guests, as it poses significant accessibility issues. The breakfast served was abysmal. The food was of poor quality, with very limited options and unappealing presentation. To make matters worse, the customer service was subpar. The staff appeared indifferent and unhelpful, showing little interest in addressing the problems I raised. Overall, my stay at The Golfview Hotel was far from satisfactory. With numerous operational issues and a lack of basic amenities, I would not recommend this hotel to anyone looking for a comfortable and enjoyable stay in Mandeville.

  • jalisa miller

    jalisa miller


    This place has roaches, and they said there was hot water and they lied, they said there were a/c and there was non. Thank God Mandeville cool or we would scorch. This is absolutely ridiculous for paying 200 us per night. The staff were absolutely great, they are the best part of this hotel

  • Mark Arscott

    Mark Arscott


    It's a work in progress. The customer service was great, and the lounge was great. The rooms need some more work especially to block out the outside light.

  • Keeysha Stultz

    Keeysha Stultz


    Location is ideal but communication is horrible! They don't respond to emails and acting like you or your money is not good enough and don't have choices! Management needs to look into this. I am spending over $ 200000 Jamaican $ and my email is hanging! I definitely will be going somewhere else and will let others do too. No wifi, no refrigerator, no microwave, no kettle. TV is fir for decoration. Well now they put me in a room with 2 Bright lights shining directly at the bed and there will be no sleep for me. When I called front desk I was told unfortunately the lights cannot be turned off. I'm wondering if management read these reviews. Well I will not spend my money and have sleepless nights I swear

  • Natalia Downer

    Natalia Downer


    The place looks pretty dingy on the outside but the newly renovated rooms aren't bad at all. There are no mini fridges in the rooms if that's something you are looking for, and there was no hot water to shower with. The handle for the toilet was broken but it was still functional. You can also hear outside noises from other rooms or just from the street which is a little concerning. It feels more like a motel than a hotel. The staff is nice and the food options are great. The food tastes good too👍🏾

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