Mandeview Hotel w Mandeville

JamaicaMandeview Hotel


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Balvenie Close, Mandeville, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-820-7151
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 18.0319948, Longitude: -77.5243729

komentarze 5

  • Shannon Leslie

    Shannon Leslie


    Room was very small, had no AC. Had to use a fan throughout the night. Continental breakfast was horrible. Have limited parking space

  • Najee Cameron

    Najee Cameron


    I really like this hotel. Very authentic look and feel and the breakfast was amazing I'd recommend it you won't be disappointed. Haven't been there in a minute though I need to go back.

  • Anzen Martial Arts

    Anzen Martial Arts


    Had the opportunity to stay here for a night on May 16,2020. Wonderful staff customer service was amazing. Kerry the young lady that checked us is made sure we were comfortable. When google maps give you the direction when you get there google will tell you the destination is on the right, it is actually on your left. Enjoy.

  • Dawn Dennis

    Dawn Dennis


    Our stay at the Mandview Hotel one month ago was memorable and fantastic. The Hotel was well kept,the breakfast and the scenery in the mornings was breathtaking. The ambiance of peace and tranquility. Miss Marica and her staff went more than above and beyond to make our wedding a memorable day we and our friends and family will cherish forever.

  • Chantal Walch

    Chantal Walch


    First let me say that the view was awesome. However, it wasn't easy finding it. When we got there, the guy at the reception area was not friendly at all, responded to questions with sarcasm and did not show much interest in finding us a room we would actually like. He showed us 2 rooms which was not all that so we just called it a night that we needed somewhere to lay our heads because the travel was hectic and it was already late. I opened the frig door and it literally fell off in my hand, there was an old toilet stored in the closet area, the doors do not open well...I have to call my spouse to let me out when I'm finished using it and it is a bit ridiculous that the opening for you to enter the shower is at the end where the toilet is, forcing you to climb over the toilet and scraping your foot on the edge of the shower door. Apart from that guy, everyone else was fine. The breakfast area was fine, the waitress was polite and friendly (she is definitely a keeper), breakfast was delicious, the receptionist that took over in the morning was much better and she refunded us $1000 for the inconvenience and the rudeness of the first guy. Honestly, the guy is not good for business, so either get someone else or retrain him. He has absolutely NO customer service skills! His service was unacceptable and I doubt I will be trying Mandeview again or recommending it to any of my friends, family members or customers who ask for recommended places to stay in Jamaica!

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